Starting a business?
Looking for a mentor?
Mentor quality matters

Connect to a curated community of entrepreneurial mentors for support and advice

How it works

We help connect you

Sign up for Mentees

Sign up to build your profile. Describe goals or areas of expertise you are looking for support in. Browse a curated list of mentor profiles and connect to a community of mentors. Meet up for a chat and find a mentor or even a team of mentors to support you.

Sign up for Mentors

Sign up to build your profile. We’ll then get in contact to find out more about you and register you as a mentor on our platform. Browse a curated list of start up businesses to find entrepreneurs you'd like to support. Meet up for a chat and get started working together.

Connect and Collaborate

Connect and start working together by meeting fortnightly for 3 months. Our mentoring framework provides guidance, support and tools to help you both to navigate your working relationship during this time. Collaborate on achieving a business goal before continuing to work together longer term.

End or Continue

Our mentoring framework will help you to adeptly end or establish a mutually beneficial and sustainable mentor-mentee relationship longer term. Select compensation options that suit you, share knowledge and skills for equity, commission, profit share, references, experience, connections or work pro bono.

Mentor quality matters

Connect to a community of curated mentors

Connect with a curated community of entrepreneurial mentors for support and guidance. If your company is in the start up phase, you should be looking for a mentor who is a successful entrepreneur with a broad range of business knowledge.

But simply having a business mentor isn’t enough. Mentor quality matters. Good mentorship requires a sustained relationship. Your mentor isn't there to solve your problems. Instead, he or she should help you to think through your challenges and find your own answers. That's how you learn to be a better entrepreneur. This takes time.

Here are a few things to look for in a great mentor:
Great mentors want you to succeed and see themselves as part of the team.
Great mentors warn you about future pitfalls, but leave the choice to you.
Great mentors aren't afraid to be vulnerable and share their failures.
Great mentors are open about what they don't know.

Build a team

Find mentors who want to work with you

Find mentors who believe in you and want to invest their time in your business success. In order to build a successful business you will need support and expertise outside of your skill set. Our mentors are successful entrepreneurs and have expertise in many areas, here are some examples:

  • General Management & Strategy
  • Business Development & Marketing
  • Legal & Finance
  • Investment & Funding

"I'm so fortunate benefit from his strategic experience and high level networks. He's in my corner supporting me." - Roshan (Startup)

"This mentor community is an amazing resource. I now understand my finances and cash flow." - Amy (Small Business)

Start up businesses

Get support and guidance

It should be easy for early stage entrepreneurs like you to find and connect with awesome entrepreneurial mentors. Connect to a community of curated mentors to get ongoing support to help you grow your business. Find mentors who want to invest their time in you and your business.

Build a reciprocal long term relationships with the right mentors to grow your business. Negotiate collaboratively with your mentor about sharing knowledge and skills for equity, commission, profit share, references, experience, connections or pro bono work.

Outcomes that mentors can assist with include: cost-savings, enhanced profit, increased productivity, optimised processes, new funding avenues and much more.

"I love being able to work with startups who are making a difference to international development projects." - Helena (Expert)

"It's exciting to be able share my years of business experience in this way. I now sit on the board of his business" - John (Expert)

Entrepreneurial mentors

Discover opportunities to make a real impact

Find early stage entrepreneurs you are passionate about working with and where your expertise can make an impact. Discover challenging projects, work with diverse businesses, connect with new networks and ideas. Use your skills to make a difference to a business that is starting up. Stay connected to the fast paced environment of early staged businesses. Help another entrepreneur to succeed and share in their success. As you build a long term relationship, consider negotiating collaboratively to share knowledge and skills for equity, commission, profit share, references, experience, connections or work pro bono.

Our supporters

  • The Founders Institute
  • The Hub Melbourne
  • Silicon Beach Melbourne
  • Startup Victoria
  • The Australian Center for Social Innovation
  • Startup Smart
  • Inspire9
  • City of Yarra